自1954年起,FIP就开始生产热塑性塑料(包含:PVC-U, PVC-C, PP-H, PVDF等)材料的阀门和管件,用于压力流体输送系统,产品畅销世界各地。
1954 年
FIP成为欧洲第一家生产塑料阀门的企业。FIP 的工厂位于意大利利古里亚区(Liguria)的海边小镇索里镇(Sori)上。
1970 年
在意大利的卡塞拉(Casella)建成第一个工厂并投入使用,占地面积 9000 平方米。
1987 年
FIP 与 1930 年成立的英属 Glynwed 国际集团合并。
1990 年
FIP 成为意大利第一家获得ISO 9001质量体系认证的热塑性塑料产品制造公司
1995 年
在 卡塞拉(Casella) 建成第二个工厂,总生产面积达 18000 平方米,并区分为三个专业化生产单元。
1999 年
Glynwed 管道系统业务板块占 Glynwed 集团业务的 78%。
2000 年
FIP 向超过 110 个不同的国家和地区出口产品,成为工业应用和热塑性塑料材质压力管道产品的全球领先企业。
2001 年
Glynwed 集团管道系统业务单元与比利时 Etex 集团合并。
2003 年
Etex 塑料部门不断发展壮大,从Etex集团剥离,并成立了独立的实体 Aliaxis 集团。
2010 年
Aliaxis 集团员工总数超过 15,000 名,在全球 50 多个国家积极开展业务,并拥有 100 多个企业或商业实体。
FIP 是 Aliaxis集团的重要品牌之一,总部位于卡塞拉(Casella),采用多种高分子聚合物作为原材料生产最高品质的阀门、管件和用于管道流体输送的测量与控制类仪器仪表。除了研发与生产外,位于卡塞拉的工厂还是 FIP 产品的全球配送中心。
Aliaxis 集团是全球领先的主要塑性流体处理系统制造商和销售商,产品用于住宅和商业建筑,以及工业和公共基础设施建设。
我们的品牌得到广泛认可,并占据所在市场优势地位。Aliaxis 的业务范围涉及超过40个国家,有超过100 个制造和商业实体,拥有员工15,700人。除了欧洲和北美的完善市场,我们的经营范围也延伸至拉丁美洲、澳大拉西亚和亚洲。
我们利用在本地和全球的行业知识. 法规和建筑习惯,通过我们的分销合作伙伴到建筑安装商、基础设施承包商等,提供一贯优良的客户服务。得益于当地人民的企业家精神,以及均衡的集团优势、技术优势和国际影响力,我们将继续发展和提高我们在世界各地的关键建筑和工业应用中的地位。
1990 年,FIP 成为该行业中第一家由意大利塑料协会根据 ISO 9001 标准颁发质量管理体系证书的意大利公司。这一认证以 FIP 产品获得的众多认可之一,是其始终秉承提供日益符合市场需要产品的结果。
FIP 不仅符合 Aliaxis 集团的各项政策,还严格依据环保政策和法规,保护环境和保障员工健康,获得了 UNI EN ISO 14001 标准的认证。
FIP 持续的监测和细致的评估工厂的工作的环境影响,产品和服务持续改善,旨在减少和防止工业生产对于环境的影响,如大气排放和废水。
FIP 对所有新的生产流程和现有工厂的所有改造项目都进行严格和仔细的评估,以确保符合政府和主管当局颁布的环境方面的法律和法规。定期的员工培训以增强员工的责任感,确保资源的优化使用和正确的废物管理。
Dal 1954 FIP progetta e produce valvole e raccordi in materiali termoplastici quali U-PVC, PP-H, PVC-C, PVDF, fornendo in tutto il mondo componenti che trovano ampio impiego negli impianti per il trasporto di fluidi in pressione.
I prodotti FIP racchiudono oltre 60 anni di esperienza e testimoniano una costante ricerca di innovazione.
FIP creates the first plastic valve made in Europe. Its plant is located in Sori, a small town on the coast of Liguria.
First plant built in Casella, in a 9000 square metre area.
FIP joints the British-owned multinational Glynwed International plc group, founded in 1930.
FIP become the first Italian thermoplastic manufacturing company to obtain ISO 9001 certification for its Quality System.
A second plant is built in Casella, with a total productive area of about 18,000 sqm, organised into three specialised production units.
The Glynwed Pipe Systems division accounts for 78% of the Glynwed Group’s business.
FIP exports its products to more than 110 different countries and is a world leader in thermoplastics for industrial applications and pressure piping.
The Glynwed Group’s Pipe Systems division merges with the Belgian Etex Group.
The ongoing growth of the Etex Plastics division requires its separation from the Etex Group, setting up an independent, autonomous entity: the Aliaxis Group.
The Aliaxis Group employs more than 15,000 people, is present in over 50 countries all over the world and is represented on the market by more than 100 enterprises.
FIP is one of the key brands of Aliaxis Utilities & Industry and at its head quarter in Casella, over 250 people are employed in the manufacture of top quality valves out of several polymers, a wide range of fittings and a line of electronic instruments for measurement and control of fluids. Besides R&D and production, the site also operates as a distribution center for FIP products all over the world.
The Aliaxis Group is a leading global manufacturer and distributor of primarily plastic fluid handling systems used in residential and commercial construction, as well as in industrial and public infrastructure applications.
Our brands have strong identity and are firmly established in the markets they serve. Aliaxis is present in over 40 countries, has more than 100 manufacturing and commercial entities and employs 15.700 people. In addition to the well-established markets of Europe and North America, we have operations in Latin America, Australasia and Asia.
We leverage our local and global knowledge of the industry, regulations and building habits to provide consistently excellent customer service through our distribution partners to building installers, infrastructure contractors and others. Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of its local people, balanced with the strengths, know-how and international reach of the Group, we continue to develop and improve our positions in key building and industrial applications throughout the world.
In 1990, FIP became the first Italian company in its sector to be awarded certification of its Quality System under standard ISO 9001 by the Italian Plastics Institute. This certification, along with numerous acknowledgements presented to FIP products, is the result of constant commitment to offering a product increasingly suited to the needs of the market.
In line with the overall policy of the Aliaxis Group, FIP has also adopted an Environmental Policy for protecting the environment and workers’ health, certified under standard UNI EN ISO 14001.
Constant monitoring and careful assessment of the environmental impact of its work, products and services guarantees ongoing improvement aimed at reducing and preventing industrial risks to the environment such as atmospheric emissions and waste-water.
All new production processes and all changes to existing plants are carefully assessed to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations issued by governments and competent authorities. Appropriate training and promotion of responsibility among employees ensures optimised consumption of resources and correct waste management.
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